Day 1
The following information is a portion of “Marck’s Boot Camp Diary”. The information contains a straight-forward look at Basic Training Life on a daily basis. The information contained within this page is used with the express written permission of the author. For more information about the author view the “Author’s Information” at the bottom of the page. Some choice phrases have been censored.
July 17th, 2002
It has been less than 24 hours since arriving. It feels like I’ve been here 2 days. The days in reception are full of hurry up and wait. You wait 2 hours and hurry to do something that takes 10 minutes. Oh, Sarg wants us to report to him now. I hope we didn’t **** up…They wanted us to take some beds somewhere. Anyway, today we got haircuts(I’m bald now…well, the roots show), got shots, and got our uniforms. We no longer have to walk around looking lost like our first night. We’re eating a lot of food. I try to eat a light breakfast and lunch. But then I tear it up at dinner(which is at 5pm).
Reception sucks. You sit around, get fat, and are lost. I think they do it in purpose so that you’re itching to go to bootcamp and break a damn sweat.
Free time here is what you make of it. You use it to do laundry, take a shower, sleep, write(like me!). Nothing too exciting. I found out I was allowed to bring a book. Damn, I should’ve brought one. I miss my home, my girl, my friends, my TV.
The sergeants are all ********. Even the ******* medics are despicable. I asked him, “where do I sit?,” seeing as how there were 3 chairs. “SIT OVER THERE,” he growled(literally) and then jammed the needle in my arm.
A lot of people here really do not seem all that bright. Like the guy who said, “what the hell are we supposed to do now?” to the drill sergeant. A lot of people think they know it all about basic just because his dad’s in the military. ************, you’re here with me. You don’t know ****. I hope to meet some cool peeps. The showers suck. Eww, Naked! No privacy. At least I can’t see **** since I have to have my glasses off in there. Ah, the positive way to look at things.
It is now 8:30pm. If I get to sleep by 9:30-10pm, I’ll have 6 hours of sleep, which in army standards is a lot. But the sun is still out and my room doesn’t have a ******* door. I will try my best.