Port Arms from Order Arms
1. Platoon, ATTENTION. AT EASE. The next movements, which I will name, explain, have demonstrated, and which you will conduct practical work on, are port arms from order arms and order arms from port arms.
2. Port arms is the key position assumed in most manual of arms movements from one position to another. Order arms from port arms is used to return the rifle to the position of attention.
3. The commands for these movements are Port, ARMS and Order, ARMS.
4. Port, ARMS and Order, ARMS are two-part commands, Port and Order are the preparatory commands, and ARMS is the command of execution.
5. When given, these commands are as follows: Port, ARMS. Order, ARMS.
6. Demonstrator, POST. I will use the by-the-numbers method of instruction.
7. Port arms from order arms is a two-count movement. On the command of execution ARMS of Port, ARMS, this being count one, grasp the barrel of the rifle with the right hand and raise the rifle diagonally across the body, keeping the right elbow down (without strain). With the left hand, simultaneously grasp the hand guard just forward of the slipring so that the rifle is about four inches from the waist. By-the-numbers, Port, ARMS.
8. On count two, regrasp the rifle at the small of the stock with right hand. Hold the rifle diagonally across the body, about four inches from the waist, the right forearm horizontal, and the elbows close to the sides. Ready, TWO.
9. Order arms from port arms is a three-count movement. On the command of execution ARMS of Order, ARMS, this being count one, move the right hand up and across the body to the right front of the front sight assembly, grasp the barrel firmly without moving the rifle, and keep the right elbow down without strain. Order, ARMS.
10. On count two, move the left hand from the hand guard and lower the rifle to the right side until it is about one inch off the marching surface. Guide the rifle to the right side by placing the forefinger of the left hand at the flash suppressor (compensator), fingers and thumb extended and joined, palm to the rear. Ready, TWO.
11. On count three, move the left hand sharply to the left side, lower the rifle gently to the marching surface, and resume the position of order arms. Ready, THREE. Port, ARMS, Ready, TWO. Order, ARMS. Ready, TWO. Ready, THREE.
12. At normal cadence, these movements would look as follows: Without-the-numbers, Port, ARMS. Order, ARMS. AT EASE.
13. What are your questions pertaining to these movements when executed at normal cadence or using the by-the-numbers method of instruction?
14. Demonstrator, ATTENTION. You will now become my assistant instructor. FALL OUT.
15. Platoon, ATTENTION. I will use the by-the-numbers method of instruction.